In another world across dimensions, where hardships prevail and humanity faces the harshness of an impending apocalypse, a laid-back young man named Jiang Chen unexpectedly gains the ability to traverse between reality and parallel worlds. The challenges of these parallel worlds instill in Jiang Chen a sense of responsibility typical of youth. As he delves deeper into the complexities of time, the weight on his shoulders grows—he must protect not only those close to him but the entire world. What began as a solitary journey transforms into a lifelong pursuit. As Jiang Chen navigates through time and space, unraveling mysteries, confronting disasters, and standing as a beacon of courage, a tale of adventure unfolds—one centered on bravery, growth, and shouldering responsibilities. Thus, the journey begins.
I Have A Mansion In The Post-Apocalyptic World, I have a suite in the last days, I will have a suite in the future,我在末世有套房