In the aftermath of a nuclear winter that devastated the world, a new era begins. Humanity, no longer the dominant force, faces an onslaught of crises, struggling to rebuild a new order in this changed landscape. Amidst these challenges, our protagonist, Ren Xiaosu, rises to prominence through absorbing positive energy, becoming a catalyst for change in the world.
In this altered reality, humans have relinquished their position at the top of the food chain, forced to confront the harsh climate and daily struggles for sustenance. With an unpredictable future and a hostile environment, survival depends on unity. Walls rise across the land, where the lower-numbered barriers offer greater safety, resources, and proximity to centers of power and influence. Ordinary refugees gather in the towns outside the barriers, yearning for an opportunity to enter their protective confines. Among these refugees is our protagonist, Ren Xiaosu.
Ren Xiaosu and Yan Liuyuan, both refugees, face tremendous challenges in their quest to enter the sanctuary of the barriers. Against all odds, they persevere with unwavering determination, seeking a chance at survival.