Dark River” is an enigmatic assassin organization in a world of martial arts. It’s made up of three families: Su, Xie, and Mu, and their leaders are called the “Big Family Elders.” Unfortunately,
these elders have fallen victim to a strange poison that threatens their lives. When this troubling news reaches the other factions within Dark River, they see it as a chance to rebel against the leaders.
Su Muyu, who leads the bodyguard team “Spider Shadow” responsible for protecting the Big Family Elders, decides to seek help from the skilled healer Bai Hehuai from the Medicine King Valley. His aim is to treat the poisoned elders and also fend off assassins sent by the other families who want to protect the elders for their own interests. In the midst of all this,
Su Muyu’s good friend in Dark River, Su Changhe, stands for the Su family and joins the action to assassinate the Big Family Elders. The situation becomes increasingly complex and dangerous as alliances shift, and the fate of the Big Family Elders hangs in the balance.