Chu Yue, the renowned operative of the modern Z organization, was wrongfully accused and met an untimely demise. Guided by the Nine Desolation Mirror system, his soul traversed into the Nine Desolation World,
where he embarked on a journey of survival and growth through compulsory tasks bestowed by the system. While undertaking missions and honing his skills, Chu Yue unraveled astonishing secrets concealed within the original body’s former inhabitant.
He forged alliances with Si Xiaonan, Cangyun Sansheng, Jiu Gongzi, Dongzhixue, and others, forming close bonds with trusted companions like Bai Pan, Shen Ran, Fei Qian, and even a mysterious beast named Wool. As Chu Yue delved deeper into the enigma surrounding the previous host
he discovered that he was not the sole recipient of the Nine Desolation Mirror system within the Nine Desolation World. Determined to unveil the truth and investigate the system,
Chu Yue embarked on a journey across the expansive Nine Desolation World alongside his friends and confidants. Eventually, he unraveled the mystery, liberated himself from the grasp of the Nine Desolation Mirror system, and ascended to become the unrivaled champion of the Nine Desolation World.
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